I received a beautiful message of hope and joy from Arcturus Star beings. The message was felt the evening prior the channelling, and they were waiting for me when I woke up.
The cards in the image above were pulled just after receiving the message, when tuning in to current energies that I offered to be of service for and as you can see the Arcturians gave confirmation they were present.
The message has been encoded as you will read, and the guidance for you to receive the codings was for me to read the message as well as to write it.
Please feel free to share this message with friends on any social media platforms you use, you can use the icons below or simply copy the link and share it that way.
If you feel you would benefit from guidance from cards or our star families you may benefit from Soul Reading or Personal Ceremony with me.
Star beings message of hope and joy
Where we are is a parallel existence it is perhaps best for you to perceive it as a future for your Earth. A future timeline, one that plays out for the highest good of the collective and leads to an existence of love and joy.
We send this message on the frequencies that currently connect between your plane/your timeline and ours for the frequencies are very much in alignment.
Let us explain further; the frequencies that you are emanating at this time from Earth are high, they are golden and weaved with Potential. They are resonating at the frequency that we reside within and this is why we have been able to connect with you so easily.
We have felt this frequency and taken it as a wonderful opportunity to be able to relay this message to you. Our message to you all is to know that beyond the veil of what is deemed “reality” upon Earth, beyond the play being shown to you, within the subtlety of energy and frequency all is well. All is heading towards the desired collective outcome, your highest timeline, your destined future.
Those already awakened and now observing your surroundings with detachment; it is your role to maintain your own high frequency and to continue to be the channels for the golden frequencies to keep on pouring in. This will mean much purging as you know but remember that light always fills the spaces that you clear.
Those still awakening to their truest potential will hasten and they will need gentle guidance rather than knowledge overload. Go slowly and gently with them, the fastest route to their true awakening is the one they navigate themselves with support and assistance rather than following another’s way.
Oh such joy we see ahead of you. And in this message we have encoded our frequencies to be offered to you all. Take time to align yourself then receive this message once more and the codings will embed within you.
Love and light to you all dear souls
With love,
Gemma x