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the Sacred Spiral of Nine

Journey the Spiral path of Your inner Divine Wisdom

The Sacred Spiral of Nine takes you on a journey through your inner world where you connect to the shamanic and celestial realms to grow, heal, & release all you are ready to be free of before spiralling into a renewed and realigned self.


Nine holds an energy of completion, renewal and rebirth. Numerology focuses on the energy of mostly single digits, Nine is the completion of the journey through all of the previous number energies, and the preparation and rebirth of spiralling through the number energetic journey once again for another spiral of growth.


The spiral path of energy is alive within us all, it is an energy force that responds to the electromagnetism of our Heart, an endless energy of creation that shifts form as it responds to the resonance of our heart. Spiralling around the centre of our being making waves to create that which we radiate out into the universe as our hearts desire. Sometimes the waves can be chaotic, as creation often begins as chaos whilst we figure out the unknown path ahead of us.  


What we do have that is known, is our Sacred vessel - our body, composed of our heart and other organs, as well as our more subtle aspects such as our thoughts and emotions. When the spiral feels chaotic we can be  sure to find safety, resolution, answers and awareness of where the unknown path is leading us within ourselves. We have been given a Divine vessel, uniquely woven with our blueprint. When we learn more about ourselves through journeys such as this we prepare ourselves for the journey we have already laid out with our hearts desire.


The Sacred Spiral of Nine journey will empower you through self exploration and by bringing you into the a harmonic where you can meet the Divine energy you hold and bring it more into your Being each time we Spiral the journey. 


Each time we gather we will focus on a chakra and a universal wisdom theme related to the chakra. Allowing us to spiral round the journey of life and gain a higher perspective, unravel blocks we have held for lifetimes, release held emotion and gain a deeper sense of trust in ourselves, and in the safety of our home we call our body. 


In the Nine Spirals we will:


  • Work with 9 of our Chakras - deepening the awareness of our subtle energy bodies, and how we are connected to the earth & cosmos.

  • Learn the potential wounds of each chakra and how they present in our lives.

  • Learn ways to heal the wounds, seek the root causes and stay balanced.

  • Meet ancient teachers in other dimensional realms who will help us to weave our Divine fabric into our being, embodying more of our spirit and celestial aspects.

  • Discover more of who we are through dedicated spiritual practice, supported by wisdom and knowledge that has helped those who came before us to reach enlightenment.​

  • Learn healing techniques, shamanic practices, rituals and prayers to use and make your own.

  • Be guided through differing ways to enter other dimensional spaces, including deeper into our own inner world, through this guidance your own dimensional pathways inward & outward will awaken.

  • Receive intuitive guidance and wisdom throughout the gatherings as we connect and read the energy we are being supported within.

  • Deepen the connection to your Soul.

  • Discover the Divine within you.

  • Embody your true self, one fragment at a time.

  • Bring Sacredness into your daily life.

Visualise the outcome you desire from the end of your
Sacred Spiral of Nine.

The Sacred Spiral of Nine journey holds the energy that takes you through a universal pattern. Each of us that embark on the journey will bring our own subtle wounds to be healed and revealed, and we will each have our own experiences and wisdom to share and support each other with. 


The journey we co-create with one another and with our spirit teachers will make this sacred spiralling a journey of wisdom, remembering, awakening, completion and eternal embodied expansion.

Our Sacred Spiral of Nine Journey:


One vital ingredient to this journey is to incorporate integration phases. Therefore the journey will be laid out as follows:


All sessions will be held on a Friday morning 10 am for 90 -120 minutes. 


Gathering One - 7th March


Gathering Two - 14th March


Gathering Three - 21st March


Integration Week


Gathering Four - 4th April


Gathering  Five - 11th April


Gathering Six - 18th April


Integration Week


Gathering Seven - 

  • Sacred Spiral of 9 - full payment

    Pay for the entire course upfront
    Valid for one month
  • Sacred Spiral of 9 - weekly payments

    Every week
    9 weekly payments - pay as you go option
    Valid for 9 weeks
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