The Lions Gate is a potent time of incoming energies, it brings us the alignment with the star system Sirius and opens a portal for us to receive codings from our self aspects that experienced Sirius lifetimes, Ancient Egyptian Lifetimes, and Lyran lifetimes, among much more, that it will inform you of personally as well as what others may share.
With any Portal I feel it is very important to feel into what it may be bringing you personally as well as what the collective may be picking up on. Usually through the personal exploration you discover the collective energy too.
The portal so far really been one of personal growth, I have been guided to rest, and to receive what is needed for me, but along side that there has been much to learn about my inner fire, transmutation, and integrating higher aspects of myself.
To honour my personal needs but to also hope to assist those that may also be feeling these energies strongly I thought I'd share some of what I have experienced in order to give you another perspective.
Dragons have been present, they always bring purification and signs of rebirth, Golden dragons have been especially prominant carrying codings of DNA of our Purest Form - Our Higher Selves, which they are assisting us in integrating, bringing a Rebirth of who we are Becoming. Remember with this process to honour the parts of you that need to die and leave you in order for the New to step in.
Fire Transmutation:
Testing situations may arise to bring you the opportunity to act differently, this may be a usual occurance on the spirirtual path but with the Lions Gate they may be screaming at you, raising frustration, anger, all those firey emotions. Use them as an opportunity to act differently. Pause if you need to and see how you would usually respond. Can you change this? Can you face the situation in a way that you transmute it and make it of benefit to you? Fuel Your Fire Within, and burn away the obstacles in your path. Sekhmet Energy is Fierce and present to assist you with this.
Honouring Your Whole Self:
Rest is a vital part of the ascension process. I'm going to repeat that. Rest is a Vital part of the ascension process. We are all guilty of keeping on, wanting to fulfill our service to others, learn the next thing, etc, etc. I learned this the long way believe me.
Now I have discovered the power of the resting place. When you fulliy immerse yourself into the rest your whole body needs its brings you to place of awareness of the integration taking place.
My most recent experience of this was this morning, I found myself in a place of putting others first and ignoring the voice within so this morning I made time to listen. My Divine Feminine was needing attention. Dance - flow, movement of creative energy, as it has not has an outlet through offerings due to resting this part of me still needed its flow but in a personal way, so I danced softly, listening to her. Then I was guided into the golden template of my Higher Self, the New Earth, then from there into a floating nectar of life, then into the Cave. My deep Inner Space of rest and integration. I emerged from this place feeling like I'd slept for days!
Listen to what your Whole Self needs you to Honour. There is so much personal learning within its voice.
It is easy to expect these Portals to be birght and shiny, to expect miraculous outcomes, but often the power is within the subtlely, for true power does not need to show itself in bold and spectacular ways. Listen to the tiny things, the bees, the waters, your need for sleep, food, quiet.
Trust that the Energies are bringing you exactly what you need, and once you have gone through the processes of purifying, transmuting, receiving and integrating, you will Emerge from the new codings that you now carry. Step by step, tuning into the subtle, this is where you learn some of the greatest skills you can master.
Sending you all so much love as we absorb and connect with these glorious energies.
Gemma x