It’s important to remember that what makes us whole are our many layers, aspects or bodies. To be able to ascend to higher frequencies our bodies have to be in a state of unity and balance. I resonate mostly with explaining our being as a four body system - we are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beings.
The physical body
The physical body is related to the element of earth, it is dense in its vibration. As you plant a seed in the earth and it gives you a flower, your soul planted the seed for your physical body to bloom. Both the flower and the physical body need the right nutrients and care to stay healthy and balanced.
Imbalances here tend to be the body’s way of highlighting an issue - a symptom - communication from the body.
Healing of the physical body will depend purely on the imbalance. For the symptom itself healing can usually happen quite fast, but if the cause of the issue is not addressed the symptoms will return. The cause can be emotional, mental or spiritual and will show symptoms in the physical. The physical body shows us the manifestation of the imbalance and is it’s way of bringing it to your attention for you to work on.
The emotional body
E-motion - energy in motion. Emotions are related to the element of water and just as water continuously flows so do our emotions. They give us feelings which power our thoughts and manifestations so if our emotions are out of balance - blocked or free flowing too fast - then most likely symptoms will appear emotionally, mentally, and physically.
If you had a cup and you continued to pour water into it without checking, it would over flow. If you filled the cup and ignored it, the water would become stagnant. This is similar to what emotions do within our being.
Checking our emotions regularly and facing our feelings is sometimes hard, but is a necessary repeating step of our journey.
The mental body
Our mental body houses our free will, our right and our ownership of choices and decisions that impact or benefit us. The mental body is like the computer that programs our bodies, it is influenced by external surroundings and relays the environment to the other aspects of our being. By sending and receiving messages the mental body can be influenced by the feedback from the other bodies such as the emotional body and the related feelings. Feelings are the fuel that power our thoughts and manifestations so balance of the mental body is important for keeping all of the other aspects balanced.
The mental body is related to the elements of air and ether and is responsible for movement of creative intelligence.
Closely connected to our energy body via the nadis that overlay and interpenetrate the nervous system the mental body is the link between external energies and the transmitter of the soul into the being. So balance at the mental body is integral to balance within the whole being.
The soul and spiritual body
“All dis-ease is the result of inhibited soul life. This true of all forms in all kingdoms. The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul so that it’s life can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute any particular form. “ Djwhal Khul/Alice Bailey. Esoteric Healing p538
Our soul is an consciousness of higher frequency that agreed and decided on multiple lifetimes within a lower frequency of energy. It is our sublime essence, our inner intelligence, our higher self. With each incarnation the soul decides its type, lessons and challenges to work through and appropriately selects the right environment to carry out these lessons, then as the soul descends into human form the decisions it has just made for this lifetime diminish in brightness until all the soul is able to do it give consciousness to the human being it has become a part of. This may seem like an illogical process but what this does is gives the personality, the ego time to adjust to its new surroundings - it’s physical body, emotions, thoughts, external conditions, etc. The soul waits patiently until the being has reached a point where the soul will be heard if it reaches out. This can happen at different stages for all of us and over many lifetimes.
Once the personality starts to pay attention to the fact that there is more to life that what is right in front of him it sparks a connection between the ego and soul and a building of relationship begins. The Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge.
Now the soul is able to communicate its needs and assess how far the person has come. Many of the lessons selected for this lifetime will have already begun and the soul can now fit the pieces of the puzzle together and through the building of the relationship of ego and soul the right balance can be achieved - integration of soul and personality leads to heart centred living.