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Ongoing Sacral Clearing & Sagittarius Full Moon Assistance

Those of us going through sacral clearing will be doing so multidimensionally and for a vast collective of Souls.

The healing and clearing we are doing on ourselves is creating a mass wave of ease that is serving many that will soon walk the path behind us that we are lighting.

Those holding stagnant energy in our hip, pelvis, knees, thighs, legs, feet and lower back areas will be feeling immense sensations at this time. Women going through this clearing may also be experiencing irregular moon cycles, and/or unusual symptoms around this time.

This area of our body is what holds all relationships. Those with ourselves, our environment, family members and friends, even with material items and money. As well as how much you are holding - not just physically but emotionally, mentally and energetically, within this last aspect there will be filters bringing through ancestral and past/parallel life clearance.

It is the sensations arising in my own body that are acting as the channel to be able to share this wisdom and they wish for me to invite you into the sensations you feel in your body to receive your own wisdom and in doing so you will also bring swiftness and grace to your ongoing process.

Persevere is what I hear loudest. In going into the sensations you will be able to ride the waves of sadness, pain, loss, anxiety and fear that arise to be purged from your body.

The ocean and the earth in her form as sand and stones are offering a deep and sacred holding for this process, go to the sea, lay on the stones first and allow your body to create an indent of your body’s curvature.

The stones and their wisdom that seems dormant will activate at the call from you body for their assistance.

Plug your chakras into the stones and allow all that is rising for purging - particularly in your sacral chakra - but all chakras, to be harmonised, then earthed. Neutralising your energy flow, clearing what you are releasing and allowing the next wave to rise and for you to continue this process with perseverance and sacred trust.

Then when you feel the harmony fill you, let the sea wash you clean, your whole body or just your toes will do. Allow the cleansing waters to do their sacred role.

The sensations may continue so repeat this process as you feel you need.

Now here is the incentive; for what is happening within you simultaneously alongside the purging of relationship and familial residue is a rebuilding of your Divine unique structure.

As I was shown by beloved Quan Yin our bones are undergoing and carrying out a metaphorical shattering which will soon be met by a lightening bolt of your own radiance. Like lightening hitting a sandy shore, what forms below the surface is a beautiful glass creation. The stones and sand, which are tiny particles of the sacred ancient beings lying dormant are reformed to glorious and light filled creations. Magnificent Beings.

This is what we are experiencing in our physical bodies, the sacrum and coccyx area is the place where the metaphorical shattering is taking place, and as we release and purge from this area we invite down the lightening bolt of our own radiance.

Allow yourself to embrace the shattering into tiny fragments of sand, in this process

You will learn that each grain of sand is as important as each star in the sky. You will learn how form becomes form from sacred death and sacred rebirth.

What may arise in your waves of clearing, purging and sensations are familial situations coming to an end; deaths, marital break ups, severance with family members or friends which even though heartbreaking are for the higher and greater good of those involved. This is an unlearning of “family” that has been the foundation for sometime that now needs the lightening bolt of collective radiance to form its new and more soul aligned future. It will assist those who are yet to embrace their wholeness within your family and friendship circles in beginning to see beyond veils and illusions for they will feel the radiance emanating from your new form.

This is insight into the collective element. So many souls have lived through many lifetimes of distorted family systems. In a sense we could view it as those participating in this collective clearing are the souls that declared we would transmute our own familial distortions on behalf of a greater mass of souls.

Do not let this become a burden, the goal is to keep your focus and intention on your own healing because you and your healing are what carries the codes to feed the collective. Each clearance and purge you complete for yourself unlocks light codings that clear energetically for the collective.

It is important that we ackowledge and respect that the physical sensations we may be experiencing are real and as such it will serve you well you to assist yourself in tending to your physical body as feels right to do so. For some readjustments by trained practitioners will help to unlock and release stagnant emotion. For others you may find your usual physical health routines become tiresome or cause tension, listen to your body and rest if you need to. Use your discernment and sacred trust to give your body what it needs at this time, and seek help or guidance if you feel called to do so.

What will follow as this clearing eases is our own unique experiences of accessing our Mastery that has lying dormant within our bones and base chakra waiting for us to seek it once more. This may have already begun to appear to you. I myself have seen a dusty basement representing my base chakra, the sacral clearing is guiding and assisting me to begin the process of restoring my basement to its former glory. Seek within for your own perception of this next phase.

We are undoubtedly being guided and supported through the peak of this clearing,

particularly by the Full Moon which is in Sagittarius, the Centaur, the Archer. Half human, half horse. Thighs and lower body of different form. He shoots his arrow into the sky to call forth his own lightening bolt of radiance that is his Souls true path.

Use the energies of tonight’s full moon peak to bring the strength and stamina of a horse into your bones and the lightening bolt of radiance into your periphery.

Await the in pouring as the work you do to assist integrates in Divine Time.

Sagittarius Full Moon Blessings to you all.

Gemma x

If you feel guided to work with me through your healing journey you can book with me for a 1:1 session.

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