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Reading of January's Initiating Energies

Tend to your garden dear one, tend to the flowers and the innards that rest below the soil. As you sit within your garden please remember to acknowledge that what you are witnessing is of your own creation and labour. Your deep inner work has begun to sprout and the eight flourishing flowers now give back to you in a sacred act of reciprocity. Tend to your flowers and you tend to yourself.

As you settle into the softness and gentle energy of the flowers, allow it to embrace you. Put down your sword as you no longer need to take part in the battle of oppositions within, instead you have mastered them - the butterfly shows you and calls you to follow into the peaceful path of reconciliation that you created for yourself.

What mastery you have achieved, when you are visited by the King of Pentacles it shows you that a deep deep connection has been made between the Heart and Mind - one that opens vortices of energy of ancient ways, wisdom of ancestors and impeccable strength - not just physical strength but the strength that is love, grace and humility. Perhaps those battles you fought were with swords of love?

Rest a while for as you do you embody the Fire of Wisdom, the Grace and Joy of a Queen that is comfortable in her authentic expression and powerful in ways of deep deep peace. She is the manifestation of all that is to come from the path you have taken - the fruits that will follow the flowers.

Step into the spiral once more dear one, step in with the knowing and wisdom you have embodied and take no second guesses, the only swords you hold now are those of deep knowing, the inner eye awakened to all that you are.

As you step forward from this moment you are able and full of enthusiasm, it is a feeling that feels excitingly unfamiliar yet it pulsates from you and spurs you on. What sparks will you wield from the wings of the sword as you pluck it from the Earth and feel the lightness of wisdom and joy that opens the path of light ahead of you?

Feel into the cards for your own personal messages and if you would like to read the messages channelled with the cards let me know in the comments and I will happily send you them.

Tarot Deck - The Light Visions Tarot

With love, Gemma x

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