The Energies feel very Divine Feminine at this time, the elements of Water and Earth feeling very present and nourishing. If it resonates, allow yourself to connect with the elements of Water & Earth in all ways that arise - the colours that they made you feel or think of, the sensations of water and earth, the functions and alchemy all of the elements can gift us.
This month's meditation was recorded on the Scorpio Full Moon in Taurus - the Water and Earth elements present together. As you are guided into the deep waters of the void and journey with the Earthy tones of the drum, what is revealed to you?
Well this worked for me thanks Gemma! I was transported back to being a baby in my mothers womb. I felt such love from her. I had a conversation with her that I was unable to have whilst she was still on the earth plane too. It resolved some issues that needed resolving and left us both in a really good place. Thank you.