I am here. I am Anubis. I join you again through Gemma for our connection is strong at this time. This message is for all.
The gateways are aligning, this is a two way transmission. As energies enter from the higher dimensions to also do energies within you rise from the lower....
The gateways of the dimensions have aligned and this is an unusual alignmet for not only are the energies from the higher dimensions pouring in to assist the awakening process but the energies of the awakened ones are passing through the gateway, reaching and connecting more deeply with the higher dimensions. This signals that the unification process is well underway. Or as some may refer to it; Ascension is imminent.
Picture the gateway - for perception on the earth plane you can visualise the dimensions as floors of a large building, each higher level of the building is a higher frequency dimension. In the centre of the building is a circular elevator shaft, yet no elevator is required for the floors stay sealed due to the frequency of each floor being out of alignment with the other. At this time a new happening has begun; enough beings on the lower floors have raised their frequency which has signalled the shaft - the gateway - to open and as I have already explained an exchange is taking place.
You can visualise this exchange as rays of colour, one rising - reaching to the upper levels making it's now higher presence known. The other - pouring in, filling all space available with higher light.
What does this mean? I hear you ponder...
Proof is my answer....For outside of the density of Earth all beings, no matter the dimension they reside in, or which frequency they resonate at, understand that we are all a part of the Oneness. Those "ascending" are in the chapter of their story where they are breaking free from the separation they ever so eagerly wished to experience when "the experiment" began. They are remembering who they are and returning to their true form, or at least bringing their true form into their Earth body.
You may see swirling light - layer upon layer, circular in shape and circular in motion. You may see the gateway through the centre lit up like your chakra columns for in essence this is what the gateway is.
Now the gateway will remain open until the levels begin to temporarily separate again but now this has begun it will happen often.
Tune in to the gateway - wether you see yourself on the 3rd or 4th level, tune in to the gateway and aid the process by letting your rising frequency blend with that of the 5th, 6th,7th levels. Experience the exchange on a micro-level for this is how the macro-level accumulates after all.
This process may leave you weary, it may be making you very tired indeed, allow your body to rest as it is experiencing many changes and transitions in a very short space of time.
This exchange - more specifically the higher frequencies pouring into the lower frequencies - they hold within them information, activations and keys. All of which will seek out the souls that must work with them. Many will excel in their clair abilities from this exchange, and many more will awaken from the slumber of the illusion they have been oh so comfortably a part of.
The gateway will now open and close each time the energies come into " harmonic resonance" they will exchange then they will close again. This will happen over and over until the frequency is one of harmony - within a harmonic range that allows the gateway to stay open for longer spells.
How will this appear on the Earth plane? Synchronicity is the answer. Love is the answer. Community & union is the answer. There will still be cries of desperation from those seeking to remain in the fear frequency but as you well know; desperation creates opposition of what the seeker desires so in actual fact those seeking fear will actually attract light.
Time will begin to appear different to you, you may notice hours disappearing - this is the linear time being broken down by the exchanges.
I have shared enough now to activate the connection to the energies within you. Rest easy and take each moment as it comes for you are all doing the work so tremendously well.